Chairman: Martyn Tinker (07836266692)

Secretary/Treasurer: Janice Daniells (07709048258)

Chief Scrutineer:Dan Broughton

Asst. Scrutineer: Malcolm Bowes

Chief Marshall: Martyn Tinker

Asst. Marshalls: Andy Catt, Jo Thompson and Michelle Barratt

Race Control Sec: Sheena Kirby

Committee: Jo Thompson, Michelle Barratt, Alyx Tinker, Jaye Young, Steve Young

Safety Officer: Jaye/Steve Young


Get Involved

Autograss Clubs are run entirely by the members, who all volunteer their time, so please do your bit and get in touch


Many hands make light work and we really do need more hands! You don’t
have to be a driver, you may be a regular spectator who would like to be a bit
more involved. Please come and speak to an official to find out more.

Our best thanks go to Mr R Wrathall for allowing us the use of his land, and to
all those who have contributed in any way.

We also thank the medical team in attendance and all officials, marshalls,
sponsors, drivers, and spectators.

Please use the litter bins and keep the field tidy.