Newsletter September 2012
Well 2 years on from our first newsletter and there haven’t been many in that time! Unfortunately my work load is so huge that I rarely get the chance to put something together. On the plus side, that makes plenty for you to read about it this edition.
Please feel free to contact us if you have anything you would like to mention in a newsletter: or see a committee member. We are open to adding a few For Sale and Wanted ads to the newsletter if we have space.
2012 Meetings
2012 meetings have been few and far between. Fortunately we were able to run a few good meetings at the very beginning of the season, this was more than many clubs could manage, so we should think ourselves lucky!
Of course we did have problems with our National Qualifier dates so thank you for baring with us on the only eventual solution to run on the Saturday of our North of England weekend. Rest assured next year there is a specific reserve qualifier date.
The North of England Championships was a successful Jubilee event for us despite the changing weather conditions. We look forwards to continuing to provide plenty of racing at this event where entry numbers are ideal for plenty of racing, no need to cut laps, and not too much waiting around. We hope you enjoyed the evening entertainment too and if you missed it we encourage you to partake next season!
While July is usually a quiet meeting for us it seems the lack of racing up to that point served as a bonus for us with many competitors joining us from elsewhere to try their cars for the Nationals.
After this we have unfortunately had to cancel all of our meetings due to the weather but, as we go to press, we hope to be running on Sunday 21st October as a last minute extra date to allow for one last race round in the mud at York!
2012 Success
A huge congratulations to all of our NY League trophy winners, finalists and National qualifiers at the Mens Nationals. Special mention to Y78 Andrew Hornshaw Class 9 winner!
Other trophy winners and finalists included:
Y51 Phil Thompson 5th in Class 3
Y1 Adam Henley 3rd in Class 4
Y44 Mark Grice Class 5 finalist
Y16 Tommo 4th on Class 6
Y24 Alex Hay Class 6 finalist
Y5 Mark Brooks 5th in Class 9
Congratulations also to our NY League drivers at the Ladies & Juniors Nationals. Special mention here to Y44 Nicola Jesse Class 5 winner and, not to be outdone by Andrew, Y78 Susan Herdman Class 9 winner!
Other trophy winners include Y51/YD17 Jo Thompson 2nd in Class 3, and 4th in class 7.
We are really proud of our Junior achievements, particularly at the nationals Y501 Rob Hattersley and Y216 Brad Ellison who both made the quarter finals in a somewhat highly contested and competative junior field. Well Done lads!
British Autograss Series 2012
YAC were again successful in the BAS and we congratulate and thank our members that represented us in the series.
Special mention to winners: Y78 Andrew Hornshaw (class 9 and Overall Mens), Y51/YD17 Jo Thompson (ladies class 3 and class 7), and Y78 Susan Herdman (ladies class 9). Other top 4 BAS places include:
Y51 Phil Thompson, 2nd in Class 3
Y1 Adam Henley, 2nd in Class 4
Y44 Mark Grice Grice, 2nd in Class 5
Y44 Nicola Jesse, 2nd in Ladies Class 5
Dates 2013
Please see our website for YAC 2013 dates as well as dates for the Nationals and BAS – where you will note that YAC host Round 3 on July 13th/14th.
We also host our usual North of England 2 day event on 26th/27th May and this year the Stock Hatch Nationals on 22nd/23rd June. A busy 2013 at YAC!
Sponsors 2013
To make it easier finding sponsors and creating programmes, the NofE and BAS will share a programme and sponsors next year. i.e. if you sponsor Mens class 1 this covers NofE and BAS and the 1 programme will cover both events. Please contact Nicola Jesse or Janet Ellis about sponsoring, we will need 24 sponsors, and it’s always a struggle to get these. Sponsorship includes entry to both events plus hospitality and advertising in the programme, on trophies, and over the PA.
We are really keen to hear from anyone who would like to take over designing the progammes. There must be some budding designers out there who wouldn’t mind a go? Please see Nicola Jesse or a committee member if you are interested and we can explain more about it.
Annual Dinner & Presentation – Saturday 24th November 2012, 7 for 7.30pm, Aldwark Manor Hotel, Spa and Golf Resort. Tickets cost £25 and are available now from race control! The evening will have a fancy dress theme of Cartoon/Movie characters and while it’s not compulsory we really encourage it and there will be prizes for best dressed. Last years went down a treat! We’ll also have a live band, as seen at the NofE this year if you went to the beer tent. Come along and help make it a great night. Click Here for Menu
If you won an annual trophy last year please can you return it to a committee member ASAP if you have not already done so. End of October is an absolute deadline. Please contact Nicola Jesse to make arrangements if you’re not able to sort something.
This should be Wednesday 5th December at The Masons Arms Hopperton however you will receive formal notification of this.
Please take the time to think about whether you would like to put forward for any position or to be a committee member.
Finally, the committee would like to thank all of our members for their help and support during the 2012 season. If we don’t see you at the Dinner or AGM we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and hope to see you again in 2013.